avary holding-半岛·综合体育中国官网

  • avary's 'seven greens'

  • environmental protection and energy saving month

  • recognitions

avary's 'seven greens'

  • in 2008, we announced the concept of avary's "seven greens": green services, green production, green existence, green chain of supply, green innovation, green actions on recycle, and green logistics that made us special on creating and promoting our green values and cultures as well as fulfill corporate society responsibility actively.

environmental protection and energy saving month

  • every year, from april 22nd the earth day to june 5th the world environment day is avary's environmental protection and energy saving month. we carry out a number of educational green activities and events based on the principle of sustainability to raise our employees' awareness.

  • during this period, each of our plants extended our interests and engaged with local governments, schools, and communities to organize various environmental activities, promoting green society through practical actions.


  • since avary's founding, we have received more than 70 green awards or recognitions, including top honor for certain project from both governments and clients.

  • we have initiated various industry-institution cooperation projects involving pilot tests and providing environmentally friendly solutions.

  • to be a model of environmental excellence, we will continue to innovate and strive for our efforts on environmental protection and make the earth a better place.

honesty, responsibility, innovation,
excellence, and altruism

  • green

  • green

  • green

  • green

  • green

  • green

  • green
